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Tags can indicate additional information aside from color. Say you took a trip to a different country and want to tag all events that took place there:

#covid: blue
#london: green

2020: Mostly uneventful year #covid

group year abroad #london
2023-06-01: the king was coronated or something

Assuming the country you're traveling to is in a different time zone, events in the group year abroad will have the "wrong" time zone. We can add timezone to the tag's definition in the header:

#covid: blue
  color: green
  timezone: Europe/London

2020: Mostly uneventful year #covid

group year abroad #london
2023-06-01: the king was coronated or something

Here we have explicitly set the color of the #london tag to be green and the timezone to be Europe/London. Now events in our year abroad group will have the right zone.

We can (and should) even be more specific by specifying a default zone:

timezone: America/New_York

#covid: blue
  color: green
  timezone: Europe/London

2020: Mostly uneventful year #covid

group year abroad #london
2023-06-01: the king was coronated or something

This way, any event that isn't otherwise explicitly given a zone will be in the America/New_York zone.

Time zones can be specified by their name, like America/Los_Angeles, or by a offset, like +5 or -3.